
Showing posts from December, 2022

Petco Dog & Puppy Training Classes

Our goal is that by the final class, your dog is not fazed by its surroundings, people, or other dogs, and it will be happy entering new environments. Training is provided by Tucker Pup's dog trainers and hosted at The Anti-Cruelty Society's Training Center at 157 W. Free parking is available on Wells Street, just south of Grand Avenue in the Society's parking garage. Not only will you and your pets be working together to live your best lives, but you’ll be helping future pets in need. ARL is excited to offer two virtual dog training classes! Pet parents will also learn important initial, basic training skills that you can start well before your puppy kindergarten or good manners class begins. Our basic skill training classes are designed to teach you how to implement force-free and reward based techniques to accomplish desired results. Basic skills will be covered such as SIT, DOWN, SETTLE, STAY, LOOSE LEASH WALKING, LEAVE IT, COME, MEET N GREET PEOPLE & DOGS and mu